Friday, July 16, 2010

Pubblici Macelli

Not much more of a decrepit coat of arms of Livorno is left of the “Pubblici Macelli” (Public Slaughterhouses), where once animals were processed for consumption.The Medicean walls runs along with “Via della Cinta Esterna” until we find ourselves in the heart of the quarter of “Venezia”.There, another street name reminds us of the former destination of the place: “Via degli Ammazzatoi” or Slaughterhouse Street.


  1. "Slaughterhouse Street"? Ugh! I know it's descriptive, but still...

    And that poor coat of arms. What will happen to the Public Slaughterhouses?

    Re your comment on The Villages: I haven't seen any of those movies, either. Probably won't. Just about every time I go to a movie these days I come away disappointed.

  2. These have so much texture, VP.

  3. There's a street back in the town where I was born, Hamburg, Germany, having nearly the same name, yet not such a great sight as these pictures. Please have a nice Friday.

    daily athens

  4. I like these walls VP. Is there anything inside or just an abandoned place?

  5. Looks like the coat of arms has been slaughtered by time and the elements.

  6. I'm not sure if I would like to live on a street with that name.

  7. Funny that the name sends negative vibes to so many people, but I don't think (unless you're a vegetarian) we have the same response when a nice juicy steak is put in front of us. We are creatures of contradictions. I love the photo of the coat-of-arms because it gives the feeling of antiquity.

  8. After two? four? centuries, I'm amazed that there's actually anything left of the coat of arms! And I have to echo Brattcat's comment: wonderful textures!

  9. Interesting. I would have never though ammazzatoi means slaughterhouse. In French it's abatoir. Not too similar.

    I like the old wall very much. Hope the coat of arms holds on for awhile longer!

  10. Amazing erosion on the coat of arms stone!

  11. Very intereting and like JM said the erosion is amazing. Slaughterhouse Strret any relation to Slaughterhouse 5? LOL MB

  12. Ouch, I'm not sure I like the name "Slaughterhouse Street!" Although the sign is very pretty :D
