Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I have found a few figs in “Viale Marconi”. I pass by often but did not know there was a fig tree here.A door handle which was formerly used as a knocker. “You'll die! Son of a bitch”. I hope an unholy wish, not a threat.An quite hypnotic decoration on a gate in “Via delle Grazie”.There are worse things than a flat tire.

More Walks


  1. What a joy to walk around Livorno with you!

  2. Wonderful things to find on your walk, although I think the graffiti is a bit scary. About the figs: It's surprising what you see when carrying a lens.

  3. Such a collection of photos! Figs! I haven't seen a fig for years, although we had them quite often when I was young. I wonder why that is.

    That "unholy wish" would be a bit scary to find on one's house.

    I do like the gate.

    And the poor owner of that boat! Something went seriously wrong!

    P.S. Being an ignorant United Stadian, I didn't understand your comment on Paree...could you explain? Por favor? Oh, wait, that's Spanish. Darn! :-)

  4. What an interesting walk you had. So many different things to see. I love the spiral gate-super! And did the middle boat sink? I have a sinking feeling that is what happened. MB

  5. Now you know where to get figs to make jam in a month or so. Fantastic set of photos, but I'd still rather not have a flat.

  6. I was about to post iron work decoration today:)
    Obviously my favourite is door handle - you know how much I adore them, and I love fig tree.Can almost feel its smell.

  7. I love wandering with a camera. You "see" so many different things you never noticed before.

  8. Amazing what you can find when you just wander.

  9. Hi VP! Have you ever heard of a candied cookie called a Fig Newton. Had a fig filling and used to love them as a kid.

    Thanks, too, for the info on Suzanne. I hadn't heard that story. But all of that stuff, including the "acceptable" stories are apocryphal so far as I'm concerned.

    Hope you're having a great day. Hi, Trillian!

  10. Another nice walk! Too bad about that boat though.

  11. The door handle is beautiful! I know who would love to have it as a bracelet! :-) The bottom shot is a shock! I didn't even noticed the sunken boat at first.

  12. That's how you say S.O.B.? It sounds quite funny in Italian.

    Your fig photo of lovely.
    The boat gone under is so sad.

  13. I have enjoyed todays "walk"too!:)
    Many nice details!

  14. molto belli questi dettagli.

  15. I love your walkings, all pictures are wonderful but I'm enchanted by the first one!
    Léia :)

  16. never get bored to wander in the streets with you , you're a treasure catcher ;)

  17. That last photo is quite a scene. How did that happen? My favorite today is your first shot. The brilliant green is amazing!
