Sunday, May 16, 2010


Meloria islet, Livorno
[Photos by Maurizio]
In 1284 the battle of Meloria marked the end of the power of Pisa, so this is a place where the Livornesi happily gather to enjoy the sea and the memories.Meloria islet, LivornoThe islets aren't more than rocks in the sea, surrounded by a shoal.Meloria islet, LivornoA relatively more recent lighthouse stands on one of the islets, opposite the old tower. In background you can see Livorno, the coast and the hills.


  1. Thanks for the history lesson.

    Any idea how old the tower is?

  2. @ Steffe - The current tower was built in 1709, the lighthouse in 1867.

  3. Y'all are still celebrating something that happened in 1284? Sheesh! Long memories.

    Are regular people allowed to go out to these islets?

    Please thank Trillian for her generous and kind comments!

  4. These are great VP. Thank you for the info.

  5. Low-lying rocky islets — don't they get inundated when the tide is high? Looks like a fascinating place. And I don't doubt your statement about Livornesi being happy here. :)

  6. Does the lighthouse still function? Most of ours don't anymore.

  7. I love the colors and history and atmosphere of these photos.

  8. 1284-wow-that was more than a couple of years ago. Hard to fathom. A celebration of memories sound great. MB

  9. @ Jacob - The thing about celebrating memories of misfortune was obviously a joke. People came here for the sea and the sun.

    @ Hilda - Nobody will be around or on the islets when the sea is rough...

    @ B Squared - The lighthouse works and was recently fitted with solar panels, visible in the second photo.

  10. I love the tower's proportions and its beautiful arches. And seeing the solar panels on the light house is really fun. . .kind of brings ancient memories and future dreams together.

  11. Ah. So it's been a feud since the XIIIth century has it? I see... ;-)

    The first photo, I thought you'd gone to enjoy Greek chaos for the weekend. Marvellous shots.

  12. I'd enjoy the place without any grudges, it has such a fabulous view! ;-)

  13. My favourite is the last one, I like colours and light. Nice to see blue sky on such cold and rainy day like today!

  14. Your seascape photos and the history lessons always please me! Thanks for taking the time to do both.

  15. I was very intrigued by the middle shot but now I realize it's just a question of perspective... Very clever angle! :-)

  16. Interesting and also nice shots.

  17. I guess people gather there primarily because of the beauty of the place, so I would... :)
    God bless you!

  18. Such a beautiful place. I cannot imagine what it is like to live where the sky is so blue & where every corner has a story to tell.

  19. Gorgeous, especially the bottom shot. You're at your best in water.
