Thursday, May 20, 2010

Central Post Office

Central Post Office, LivornoThe “Palazzo delle Poste” or “Poste Centrali” (Central Post Office) was the first building to be built during the urban renewal of “Via Cairoli”. The building was completely designed by the Technical Department of Municipality of Livorno. On the side windows a couple of “postal faces” are clearly visible.Central Post Office, LivornoAfter a ceremonial first stone laid in 1919, works actually began few years later and the building was completed only in 1929.Central Post Office, old postcard, Livorno Alongside the “Poste Centrali”, the “Banco di Napoli” in a vintage postcard.

See also: Postal Faces - BNL - Via Cairoli - Banco di Napoli


  1. Omigod! This puts our post office buildings to shame! What a beautiful structure. And what is also amazing is that it was designed by a committee! (You've heard the old joke that a camel is a horse created by a committee, right?)

  2. I remember the postal faces! But had no idea the building was so beautiful! Love the architecture as well as the pastel color :-)

  3. Love the facade. What a great building.

  4. Beautiful work, I like post office since I like postcard :)

    My Inspiration
    My Bangkok Through My Eyes

  5. I especially like the second photo - it's rather stark. Graffiti seems to be the national pastime (besides other vandalism). Another wonderful post, VP.

  6. Wonderful columns, this building is imponent and charming!Your first picture could be a postcard too, it's beautiful!
    Léia :)

  7. A very important looking Post Office---very official. As for the funny face all around--I wonder too. But they are humorous. MB

  8. I like the idea of getting stamps in a palazzo. I can tell them my favourite line: dieci francobolli per gli Stati Uniti.

  9. It's a great building and I remember those postal faces well.

  10. Nice building that took a long time to be built (like a letter taking a long time to be delivered).
    The faces, well, they look like they have just licked a foul-tasting stamp.

  11. Mi piace molto quella cartolina antica. C'e qualcosa d'inaudito nelle vecchie foto, vero? :-)

  12. A really lovely building. I like the corner view especially.

  13. The use of the postal system is declining here.

  14. I've seen grand buildings housing post offices and this is no exception!

  15. You still have a post office? Just kidding. What an elegant building.
