Saturday, December 5, 2009

La prima cosa bella

La prima cosa bella, VirzìNowadays the film director Paolo Virzì is one of the most famous sons of Livorno, which he has already successfully described in the 1997 flick “Ovosodo” (Hard boiled egg). His new movie, “La prima cosa bella” (The First Beautiful Thing), happens to be completely located in his home town and was shot around Livorno during last May and June.La prima cosa bella, VirzìIn these images they were filming near “Piazza Giorgio Caproni”: the director is the first on the right, talking with the lead actor, Valerio Mastandrea.La prima cosa bella, VirzìIn a second scene you can see Valerio Mastandrea and the actress Claudia Pandolfi riding a scooter in two, quite usual in Livorno but against the normal rules of the road.La prima cosa bella, VirzìAll the passers-by you see beyond the crew were extras walking the same route at every new take.La prima cosa bella, VirzìA nun with a bike wasn't an extra but she was promptly signed up because she was so “real”.
“La prima cosa bella” will be released next January.

External links: Paolo Virzì - La prima cosa bella (Wikipedia)


  1. This is meta photography at its best. A photographer snapping photos of another photographer!

    Well captured.

  2. I like the nun best! I guess the world premier will be in Livorno? Will be quite an event!

  3. Heehee, like Ilse, I like the part about the nun the best too!

  4. oh my friend, I love cinema!
    It's really an inspiring post!

  5. I Would love to be a part of this event !

  6. Great series of photos to illustrate the process of cinema. Love the photo and comments re. the nun on the bike!

  7. Oh what a great thing to come across in your streets! I especially liked the photo of the complex movie camera (and the nun that was "drafted"!)
    Three Rivers Daily Photo

  8. Vogon, I love this post. So many things happening. Pretty cool. I love italian movies.

  9. Hey, VP - these are wonderful photos! You were fortunate to be at the right time and place! I know nothing about Italian films, but even without understanding Italian, this looks like an interesting movie - bittersweet?

    Hope you're having a great weekend!

  10. Thanks for sharing these. You captured the street filming scenes so well! I enjoyed seeing the clip - hope to see the film here soon too. I watched (but could not understand) another interview with Claudia on YouTube. Very beautiful woman.

  11. I like the series, you are really good at showing these scenes of life happening in Livorno. I like the part about recruiting the nun :)

    I would like to see it, I hope they bring it to Romania. One of the good parts about being part of EU is that more European movies are being shown here.

  12. THANKS for sharing. I will ask if this is a film that we perhaps can see at the Italian Culture club in Stavanger... it looks very interesting!

  13. Signing up the nun sounds like a good idea!

  14. The making of cinema baffles and upsets me. I only like the end-product not the process. Liked your story about it though.

  15. Did YOU audition to be filmed, too? Camera shy?

  16. I, too, wondered, Trillian, if you were an extra.

  17. What an interesting post! Great photos of the production!

  18. @brattcat:I was not, I was only an...accidental photographer!

  19. It would be fun to watch a movie being made. Although maybe not. I once watched a TV commercial being filmed and it was done over and over and over...

  20. how exciting! we'll have to look for the nun in the film ;)

  21. I was just wondering if Livorno has been featured in movies - that promenade you showed looks very photogenic.

  22. The first shot is fantastic! I have never noticied how 'complicated' cams look like!... (and I work on advertisement...LOL!)

  23. I love Italian cinema ! How lucky you were to came very close to the shooting !
