Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Two Squares

During another short Sunday walk I passed “Piazza XX Settembre”, which is going to look soon like a normal square: it has been repaved and some benches have been placed under the trees.“Mutui” is the Italian word for mortgages, I know that appearance isn't everything but I would be wary about asking something here.In “Piazza della Repubblica” the ice rink is ready and open. The first timid skaters are trying the ice, quite desert in the early Sunday afternoon.Around the ice rink stalls as “Le Gru Giganti” (The Giant Cranes) and “Dolce e Salato” are ready to amuse and feed the crowd. Now, they are just waiting. Then I went on YouTube and found this, I hope cieldequimper and everybody else would like it:


  1. So there's the ice rink! Slightly shorter than ours but it will last longer and provide shelter from wind and rain.

  2. Wow! What a great post. That first photo is so well composed...you must have laid down to get that...I especially like the blanket of leaves...

    And yes, I'd not get a mortgate at Mutui.

    The ice rink is wonderful...very similar to what we used to have here. Will you be skating anytime soon?

    All crowds need to be amused and fed so these vendors are a necessary evil... ;-)

    And the video is simply gorgeous. Great music, too. Moving and emotional! Thanks for sharing that. (I think your photos are better, though!)

  3. I like first photo, nice angle.
    Have you enjoyed skate in this season?

  4. This was a very nice post, thank you for sharing the You Tube film/music too. :-)

  5. I was a little surprised to see the ice rink - just didn't think of that in Livorno! Do you have a pair of skates?

  6. Love the first photo - quite beautiful. The video - that's some promenade you have in Livorno.

  7. What a nice post Vogon. Thanks for the video. I love the photo with the stalls and Piazza XX Settembre looks beautiful.

  8. Beautiful,seems to walk with you ...
    The first picture is really charming!

  9. The Piazza looks just the place for a stroll.
    Seein "Mutui" had me thinking of martial arts and kick-boxing - I was thinking of "Mutai" or Muay Thai which is very hard boxing.

    So you have an ice rink now - better get your skates on!

    Liked the video, it's one of my favourites. That's what was played in the Godfather III when Anthony (Corleone's son) was appearing.
    Melbourne Daily Photo

  10. Yes, you succeeded to stay me here for long, long time! ^^
    Great post!

  11. Isn't it too early for ice rink?
    Lovely post - not surprisingly I like the first photo the most, it's so atmospheric with the leaves and shadows.
    I also really enjoyed the video.

  12. I like all of your subtle splashes of color in photos lately. Perfectly for this time of year!

  13. This is an excellent post. The leaf-strewn square, the broken shuttered mortgage place, the nearly deserted ice rink, and the colorful slice of life shot all work beautifully. The video was so relaxing I think I should listen to it at night before bed. And it ends in a skywatch!

  14. I love the first photo. The angle of the bench and the leaves on the ground is perfect. I can't see the video b/c youtube is blocked for us at work. :( Hope it's good!

  15. Yay! The rink is finished! It has a roof too, how grand! Will you be trying out the rink?

  16. Your city looks like such a wonderful place.

  17. “Piazza XX Settembre" is looking very good. (Yes, I clicked on your link to see your previous post.) I like the way you have a corner of a bench in the lower left-hand corner.

    LOL I agree with you that I would NOT ask for a mortgage from a company with such old, rickety blinds.

  18. Merci !!! Very nice post to keep us up to date! The piazza looks lovely now, it'll be a nice place to sit in the shade in the summer. Will you try les grues géantes for us? ;-)

  19. I don't skate! Maybe somebody here does, we'll see...
    @ Per - Not much shorter than your 15Km...
    @ Asta - The music is the Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana, by our fellow citizen Pietro Mascagni.
    @ ciel - May I taste the food instead?

  20. I love the row of trees in the first shot, and the leaves.

  21. Those shutters . . . . look like some here.

  22. I was just listening/watching again. It's like trying to imagine Mascagni seeking inspiration while taking a walk by the sea, I know it's my imagination but I can hear waves crashing in that music. Merci ancora.

  23. I'd like to get on the ice rink sometime, it must be fun!
    God bless you!

  24. C'mon, Mr Poet, try the ice skating rink! Looks like you won't be alone in grabbing the fence anyway. :)

  25. What a nice, peaceful tour today. The shutters with the sign are a great photo, but funny in context. Nice comment on it!

  26. I was thinking that this series felt almost like scouting for movie locations. I could almost see Mastroianni pacing the squares. And at the end of the series - what do you know - we got a movie :)

  27. Great views but the first picture is one of your best ever.It is full of emotion - a bit melancholic but rich with the powers of nature. Stunning - it was worth standing on your knees :)
