Friday, November 6, 2009

Rough Sea

Rough sea, Terrazza Mascagni, LivornoMy first fresh photos in a long time! The brand new 144 meter tanker “Maria Laura” patiently awaiting in a rather choppy sea, anyway much better than the day before.Rough sea, Terrazza Mascagni, LivornoThe “Mega Express Three” slowly leaves port toward Sardinia, but I am sure her passengers wouldn't be much at ease with this sea.Rough sea, Terrazza Mascagni, LivornoThe “Vegliaia” breakwater, in front of the “Terrazza Mascagni”, is the first barrier protecting the entrance of the port of Livorno.Rough sea, Terrazza Mascagni, LivornoThe “Terrazza” is a very good place to take pictures of the sea in any weather, but I spent more time wiping my lens and dodging crashing waves, than actually shooting.Rough sea, Terrazza Mascagni, LivornoFrom the “Terrazza Mascagni” looking south one could only imagine what is going on at “Boccale” or “Calafuria”.Rough sea, Terrazza Mascagni, LivornoThe sea in front of the “Accademia Navale”: the only safe vessel seems to be the interred brigantine (you can see the masts) used for training on land.


stromsjo said...

Lots of drama there.

Speaking of waterfronts and protection, what's the story in and around Livorno regarding rising sea levels as the climate changes?

Lowell said...

You have described graphically with your camera the power of the sea...I don't mind lolling about on the ocean when it is calm. I do not, repeat, do not like rough seas!

There's something incredibly threatening about rough seas...

Or, maybe I'm just a chicken.


Hope you're sawing logs about now!

brattcat said...

These are such powerful photographs. Full of muscle.

Leif Hagen said...

Wow - great sea snaps! With my "weak sea legs", I'd be green in the face on a boat with those waves! Uff da!

Unseen Rajasthan said...

Beautiful and fantastic shots !! Loved them totally..

Julie said...

VP can I sidestep the rough seas and tell you how absolutely wonderful the railing is and then in combination with the B&W marbled tiling. Terrific rendering of geometry in a couple of these photos - including reflections.

magicpolaroid said...

that incredible "mareggiata" i luv this spot!
ciao, Luis

Fio said...

Mosso pero' splendido :)

B SQUARED said...

My stomach is queasy just looking at that sea.

Copenhagen said...

The weather doesn't look too nice over there...quite scary, actually.

Halcyon said...

Mother nature does not always do what we'd like her to! I like the look of the rough seas though, although it's probably not too pleasant on one of those boats!

Happy Friday!!

Frank said...

I agree that we could get sea sick just looking at your photos.

Is this a storm, or typical seas at this time of year?? These kinds of waves and rough surf would only strike us in a major storm or hurricane. I am SO glad I am not sailing in this weather!!

tapirgal said...

These are spectacular, and they give us such a different view of Livorno. I will be home in a few days and can see them on a better screen. I'm glad you took the trouble get the photos despite the blowing drops of water. I love these!

joo said...

The sea is fantastic, I almost smell it and feel the water drops on my face!
Great series.

Valerie said...

I love the anger of the seas but only at a distance. It is unusual to see such heaving waves in bloggers' photographs so I really enjoyed looking at yours.

VP said...

@ Julie - You are right, this is one of the best spot in Livorno and got barely an image in almost an year, until today. We'll do something more...
@ Frank - The wind was much stronger the day before, but I didn't dare to go there because it was even raining. It's not uncommon and could get much, much worse.

VP said...

@ tapirgal - Tomorrow I'll post some more photos taken the same day. As trailer one word: tugs!
@ joo - I felt it on my face, my hair, my neck and my poor camera!

Andreea said...

Beautiful pictures, very dramatic. the waves look positively fierce. I usually don't get sea sick but I don't think I'll enjoy being on a boat on these waves.

Unknown said...

The sea surface looks absolutely amazing in the first pic! Also like the perspective of the tiled groung on the third shot. Great post!

Ilse said...

Very beautiful photos. The sea looks so wild. Very romantic.

Paula said...

Anything to do with bodies of water fascinates me, the waterfront looks just fabulous especially the checkerboard tiling and the balustrade railing. Gorgeous photos.

amatamari© said...

A great charm in all the photographs, the first and third for the magnificent colors and contrasts.
Wonderful series!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

WOW! Looks rough. I love the pictures of the terrace with the reflections of all the little --what do you call them? ANyway, great pictures. (I'm having a senior moment, sorry).

cieldequimper said...

Ah, at last, il mare not blue and il cielo con bianco. I love all these shots, I tend to forget how stormy the Mediterranean can get.

Hilda said...

Oh okay, here's the rough seas! By the looks of these, I'm glad you and your camera didn't get totally swamped!

Love the second photo with the fantastic patterns of waves, rails, tiles!

Ellie said...

These are really powerful. The texture of the sea in the first one is amazingly tough and strong are rocky and bold and powerful. Also makes a great sea blue monochrome. Beautiful place with the checkered design and the rail - do they do weddings there?

Wolynski said...

Incredibly gorgeous photos.

Stefan Jansson said...

Very powerful indeed. The second photo is fantastic.

Tash said...

Amazing photos! most artistic reportage around.

Tash said...

I love the perspective in 3rd & 5th. The mirror image curves.

tapirgal said...

This post is spectacular - even more so on a good screen at last! The pix of the Terrazza Mascagni, the sea and the reflections! I think I said "outstanding" already today for your other post, but use any superlative. I really love this!

Anonymous said...

Great photos but I admit they are making me feel seasick.

Tussy said...

Sea seems so aggressive now.