Tuesday, November 3, 2009

No-Name Bridge

San Benedetto bridge, LivornoA day of heavy rain has delayed my quest for fresher photos, so I have to post once again repertoire images. I have just learned that this bridge has a name after all: it is called “San Benedetto”.San Benedetto bridge, LivornoAs you can see we are still around the “Mercato Centrale” and this is the only bridge in Livorno untouched by the bombings of the last war. The first shot is taken from below, almost at the level of the water, the second from the parapet in front of the market.

See also: San Benedetto Bridge


  1. Very nice shots. Is it still that sunny and bright?

  2. You can post all the repertoire images you like. They are lovely. Colorful, clear images and the reflection of the arch is wonderful.

    So many boats in what seems a relatively small space...one wonders how the avoid colliding!

  3. Wow, that's quite a bridge. Over here in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, we lost a bridge in the Mississippi a few years ago, I don't think that beautiful stone bridge is going anywhere. Were you in a boat? Nice angle & reflection.
    - Mitch in Minneapolis

  4. It's surprising a bridge could have no name.

  5. A beautiful bridge and nice captures! So pleasant a sight!!!

  6. Gosh, that bridge photo with the boats is almost good enough to frame and sell at an auction!

  7. Both are beautiful, I especially love the second one with the reflection. Are you boycotting cemeteries?

  8. I like how the bridge reflection forms an almost perfect cirle in both photos. The reflection below the bridge of the red bricks in the second photo is very pleasing to my eyes. I guess there are always boats there!

  9. So far it's my favourite place in Livorno! The bridge is absolutely wonderful with its perfect reflection!

  10. I love how you make a circle with the reflection of the arch in the water. It's almost like a magical portal. Pass through it and you end up somewhere unexpected. Kind of like CDPB.

  11. Both our cities seem to have suffered much during the war — and we both wrote about it today too. But I like how Livorno restored quite a lot of its old structures, unlike Manila.

    Lovely old stone bridge, especially with the plants growing on it. Though I hear that's not good for the structure's integrity, but I don't know for sure.

  12. The no name bridge looks great. And I like the reflections.

  13. I like the first picture alot. Lovely reflections.

  14. I loved these reflections, the second shot is magnificent, perfect angle!

  15. These shots are super! Glad you posted them.

  16. Looks wonderful. I especially love the first picture. Well framed

  17. If you had so many bombings, how come everything looks the same as a 100 years ago? Beautiful photos.

  18. Wish I had a repertoire like that...


  19. @ Per - I never leave my camera at home, I shoot a lot of pictures and store them. Some are new, curious or simply right and get posted soon, the others stay there, often forgotten.
    Then a day you browse back the files and say: 'Look at this!', 'This was good!', and some pictures get a new chance...

  20. @ Wolynski - The destruction was greater around the port and the shipyard, Via Grande was totally obliterated. Some of the old buildings were restored others simply rebuilt. I usually care to show the older ones because the modern ones aren't so interesting.

  21. I like the reflections of the buildings through the bridge.

  22. Nice shots, the second one is a great postcard picture with the reflection of the bridge and the colored buildings in the background.

    I'm having the same problem here in Bucharest, rain and grey skies all around :(

  23. I think this bridge moved through time and space from the first location to the second one. Like that sofa that was stuck on a staircase between the floors and nobody was able to move it in either direction. This bridges are so similar it is amazing the buildings around are different.

  24. I love how the reflection makes a full circle! Beautiful :)
