Friday, October 16, 2009

Ricetto Templare

Ricetto Templare, LivotnoA Ricetto was a small fortified area used in Italian villages for protection of the residents in case of attack, particularly from marauders and bands of soldiers and mercenaries from invading armies. (Wikipedia)
I found this “Ricetto Templare” during my Sunday afternoon wanderings: the seal “Sigillum Militum Christi” (Seal of the Soldiers of Christ) is a copy of a real Templar one, so rare that you could buy dozens on eBay in any size.
Ricetto Templare, LivotnoOur Templars even have a website:, where they claim to practice archery and medieval cuisine, in pursuit of some spiritual quest called “The Way of the Forest”. This Templar organization is quite at odds with tradition, because it claims to be composed mostly of women.


  1. Great post. I love this kind of findings.

  2. V.P., you are the revealer of mysteries and the unmasker of secrets.

  3. Who would think? Women? Fascinating. All this templar stuff is silly, but it's interesting to read about it!

    Sure glad there aren't any marauding armies around at the moment!

  4. Wait! You mean I can get my own Templar "seal" on eBay?

    Hmmm. Maybe I'll put one on my garage door...but I refuse to practice archery or eat medieval stuff. But the forest is just a couple of miles away! Go, Robbing Hood. Er, Robin Hood.

  5. This is really interesting to me. I saw a tv show about these guys and I was surprised to find out that they are still around.

  6. Very interesting. You'll have to try to get a portrait or two of the Templars, barring not getting shot with any slings or arrows:)

  7. When I saw the seal I epxected some kind of misterious place rather:)
    This Templar stuff seems to involve quite a lot of people - and Women Templar Organization? Sounds interesting!
    Have a great weekend:)

  8. Your photos are inspire me and make me to "see" many thinks in a new way!
    I will try it in the next days when I am staying in Samos:)thanks a lot.
    my best regards

  9. The Knights Templar made up of women who practice archery and medieval cooking? You should really ask to photograph their meeting. Love the colors on the bottom photo.

  10. I don't think I'll check out their blog for recipes.

  11. Life was a lot more difficult back then.

  12. wow you have discovered cool spots and things there!Thanks for sharing!
    I will read more about those Templars, I'm curious now!
    Have a great weekend dear friend
    God bless you
    Léia :)

  13. That sounds so strange to me. I like reading about them and all, but templars in this day and age?

    Love the contrast between the two doors!

  14. Methinks I shall become a fake templar. ;-) It is strange, I didn't even know there were women templars.

  15. Well, these women have to make up for their historical exclusion. Anyhow . . . John Wayne is in the window of the building in Boston . . . get this . . . because there is a carpenter working on the building & his last name is "Wayne" & he seems to prop the cut-out of John Wayne on the sites he works. He's a high end carpenter for very expensive real estate. Only in America!

  16. I don't know much of this group, but at least they show a sense of humor by so blatantly choosing such a resounding name...

  17. Interesting shot of doors, if nothing else!
