Thursday, September 17, 2009

Low and Dark

Via delle Travi, Wood Beams Street, plaque, LivornoI have already posted about street names, but “Via delle Travi” (Wood Beams Street) is more interesting about the mint new marble plaque perfectly framed in the restored building.Via Bassa, Low Street, plaque, LivornoNobody has restored anything in “Via Bassa” (Low Street) and the vintage plaque is framed only by wires and cables.Via Buia, Dark Street, plaque, Livorno“Via Buia” (Dark Street) is a favorite of mine because it is not dark at all and the old plaque does contrast nicely with the new paint of the building.

See also: Anchovies Street - Narrow Streets, Long Names


  1. Ah, marvel at the marble! Imagine getting framed in such a delicate way as “Via delle Travi”.

  2. Your street plaques are beautiful. The new one at the top reminds me of a grave stone. I like the ways the are placed on the walls.

  3. I like the way the street names are "implaqued" (my new word) into the buildings...we don't have that here probably because the streets are generally wider and no one could read them - especially us old folks!

  4. How interesting! Three street signs and three entirely different colours, styles and shapes. I'm fascinted by each one of them!

  5. Belle, belle, belle!
    Via delle travi poi è molto elegante!

  6. Beautiful street signs. They make me wonder about the stories behind these places. And maybe for a Italian these names don't mean much but for us foreigners they sound very romantic, very ... Italian :)

  7. Very nice presentation! I like the first one very much, the colors fit very good together!have a nice day

  8. The street plaques are interesting. Amazing what a brush of paint can do

  9. I like the geometry in the first composition.

  10. I find it amazing that you use marble plaques for your street names. All we have are yicky-looking metal plaques on metal posts.

  11. I liked it a lot. In fact I love the name "VIA...", I miss Italy so much that it's hurt inside my heart! I miss my roots!

    Thanks dear friend!
    Léia :)

  12. These photos loook like poetry to me... You know where I'm getting at... Yep, maybe this Vogon's poetry is NOT the 3rd worse in the universe!!!

  13. This is one of my favorite posts since I've been visiting your blog. Not only are the photos artistic, and the signs artistic, but I love the names and your explanations. Maybe if they changed Low Street to Via Magnifico, the buildings would be repaired!

  14. P.S. I like the old signs better, but the top photo is very cool with the blue sky and the lines - like a Mondrian painting, but better.

  15. @ Rob - You are one of the few to know what a Vogon poet can really do!
    @ tapirgal - I'll try to find some more funny names, it won't be difficult...

  16. My votes goes to via delle travi :-)

  17. How did I miss this post! I do like Via Bassa - but I like maturity over renewal!

  18. Aha ... not being a DA fan, your blog-name meant nothing to me. I am a little wiser now.

    WV: nomer

    ... *hee hee* ...
