Tuesday, September 29, 2009

In Love

Something unique began here, Livorno
“Something unique began here”

The beginning of a fairy tale that will never end, Livorno
“The beginning of a fairy tale that will never end”

(We) are you and me, (we) are the two of us, Livorno
“(We) are you and me, (we) are the two of us”


  1. The math sounds reasonable. Spelling and grammar correct as well?

  2. @ Per - In the last one not really...

  3. For young couples a few months can seem like an eternity. I wonder if these lovers are still together.

    I'm too cynical.

  4. Love the Graffiti. Cool pictures. Thanks for the translation.

  5. You know what I think of graffiti, so methinks you got two morons running around messing up fairly decent walls and benches.

    Catch 'em and have them clean up not only their mess but all the other messes around!

  6. I love all three of these shots but I suspect the photography may last a bit longer than the love.

  7. Some sensible writings in graffiti style! Nice shots that you've shared!

    - Pixellicious Photos

  8. Clear messages, so thank you for the English version of the text........ Someone was very much i love! :-)

  9. I don't really like graffiti, however it's nice that those are poetic examples expressing love not just stupid act of vandalism!

  10. Not exactly discreet carvings in a special tree. At least they're expressing love, not hatred for the government and everyone else. But, yeah, it's a mess. Good photos, though.

  11. Home page di tante storie, alcune con un lieto fine in altre storie anche i progressi nella costruzione di una verità, numerosi percorsi e le scelte! La cosa importante è godersi il viaggio, la vita è meravigliosa ... non è troppo preziosa per godere ogni minuto, un'opportunità a dire di sì a felicidade.Sorrir è meglio di piagnucolare!
    Hanno una bella giornata caro amico! Si prega di perdonare il mio cattivo italiano! Ultimamente sto qui cercando di imparare il francese il più rapidamente possibile per farmi ambiant migliori del paese così diverse!
    Léia :)

  12. Can't they just find a tree to carve their initials in?

  13. These are young people and I agree that these graffiti will probably outlast their love.
    I hate graffiti, but our walls are already dirty with so many ugly and insane messages that I can easily condone some exuberant and exaggerated words of love.

  14. Love & graffiti . . . stabs at immortality. I rather like your images. Capturing the hope that springs ever eternal in the human psyche. Graffiti will always be with us, always has been (check out Pompeii), at least this is graffiti which warms the human heart & celebrates something precious to us all--being connected to one another & our world.

  15. Today I did post the photo I had promised to you, Vogon Poet!

  16. I'm glad I understood everything with no help from the subtitles! :-)
    Great set of pics.

  17. If two are in love - there is no bench that is too small, no parking space too crowded, no wall too hidden - every thing fits :) It is much later when the fight over remote control kicks in :)
    Great series!

  18. Interesting. Our graffiti is usually not so high-minded.

  19. Someone is spreading the creative side by using graffiti.

  20. Love is wonderful. It would be nice if they thought of using washable paint . . . but who thinks of that when the mood strikes? (I also hate grafitti, but I'm smiling at this post!)

  21. I like the "poetry" of it, but not the defacement?

  22. The graffiti looks ugly but the words/phrases are beautiful.

    A poet in love, perhaps.
