Thursday, September 10, 2009

Corte d'Assise

Corte d'Assise, Courthouse of LivornoNice window, it isn't? Better not be looking the world from there, because this is the “Corte d'Assise”, the relatively more recent part of the “Palazzo di Giustizia” (Courthouse) of Livorno.Corte d'Assise, Courthouse of LivornoThe year of construction, written on the facade in Latin form, is 1880. The building has been recently restored.


  1. Good photo about a building with a peculiar design. Your city must be fantastic, like all Italy.
    You have a nice blog.
    I will follow your blog.
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    Paulo Camacho

  2. It's a beautiful restoration...I especially like the green shutters against that beige background.

    You're saying if someone is looking out those windows he/she is probably in some trouble with the law?

  3. I too, admire the colour combination. However, I am also intruiged by the shutters. Some open fully yet others have the ability to open just the bottom half. Do you know why?

  4. Glad they have restored it. The curved windows and frames are fantastic!

  5. Wonderful photos. I would rather be on the outside. :-)

  6. Great blog & photos, good luck to you and to Livorno in Seria A


  7. Handsome restoration of a wonderful building! The dig the various shutters - groovy green!

  8. @ Julie - All the shutters I see around can do this, it's a choice of the 'owner' how to open it. If you look closely even in the normally open shutters the bottom half is mobile. We call these shutters 'persiane'.
    I'm still looking for a female presence in the statuary of Livorno, without any success. But I'm still trying...

  9. Ah such a lovely place. Love the colours in Italy

  10. Beautiful window!
    But the green is a "scuro" not a "persiana" right?

  11. Fantastic shot !! Loved the location !! Thanks for sharing..Unseen Rajasthan

  12. They did a fabulous work with this restoration!Beautiful façade.

  13. This is the first time I've seen shutters that are hinged this way — very interesting.

    Lovely renovation too.

  14. I really like both of these images but I'm partial to that second with all the shutters speaking their own separate words. It's like they are singing a funny little song when you look at them all together.

  15. Is it air conditioned? That would really bring it up to date.

  16. I love those shutters! I wish we had that type here.

  17. I guess if you're a lawyer it would be okay to be on the inside looking out. Otherwise...

  18. It is a bright and neat building - may be the idea is - it will instill a feeling of hope for justice and a fair outcome - but I agree better not to have business there unless you are a lawyer. Do lawyers make good money in Italy?

  19. I love it when old buildings are restored :-)

  20. The design is already so striking, tub those colors setit off so beautifully. It does look newer because of that, and not so much the "Old Italy" I think of. The word "striking" certainly applies here.

  21. Always great to see a restored building
