Saturday, September 26, 2009

Combat Ape

Combat Ape, Paggio Ape, LivornoI am not yet sure if it is a good idea to post this. Here is the still unmarked trial version of the combat-Ape, practically a self-propelled, three-wheeled, low cost missile launcher.Combat Ape, Paggio Ape, LivornoIt is cunningly disguised as a leisure vehicle for fishermen, but the aggressive silhouette and the military green livery, clearly tell another story.


  1. This is what I've been suspecting all along. Watch out for those fishermen! Enough to turn any fish into a pacifist.

  2. I won't tell anyone. . . . It looks like it could fall over before doing much damage, anyway.

  3. Very funny! It looks like a retrofitted golf cart from The Villages ... and the plan is to sneak up on Lake Sumter during the night and dip a few poles without the authorities catching on.

    Were you in The Villages recently?

  4. So if you have no luck hooking a can blow it right out of the water!
    Sunny :)

  5. lol, good one. I need one of those combat apes next time i'm in traffic. ;-)

    I'm not sure if you are the meme type, but if you have any reflection photos feel free to join my Weekend Reflections meme.

  6. Oh, VP, you are in sooooo much trouble.

  7. Gosh, who to believe! I think it's an ice-fishing wagon which would be great for Minnesota!

  8. ;-)
    great shots of something quite unique.
    I also liked the comments you have got.... ;-)

  9. Whatever story it is, it's really funny!!!!
    Have a great weekend:)

  10. Wow, has it been tried? It looks like such a lite vehicle! Hope while throwing the missiles forward it doesn't throw itself backwards!! :-| .....

    - Pixellicious Photos

  11. Shht! You're in trouble! I was expecting the A. Vespucci and here comes the fantastic new and still secret weapon! Lol!

  12. Because it is a peculiar looking vehicle, I think it would draw many who are curious about it.

  13. Cool, but they would never allow that here.

  14. Who is the Ape going to combat anyway? It'd better be converted into an ice-cream stall, I guess... :)
    God bless you!

  15. Obviously this Ape will be dangerous only to the fishes. Its owner, a pensioner I met inside the port, needed the upper tube to store some arcane fishing device. He mounted the other tube just for symmetry.

  16. L'ape da comattimento è una idea fantastica!

  17. It is OK - my intelligence already knows about it :) Reminds me about the old joke : nothing in his appearance was showing he is a Russian spy - except the red star on his hat and the parachute hanging behind him :)

  18. What a nifty looking 3-wheeler
