Saturday, August 1, 2009

Theme Day: Night

Count of Cavour monument at night, LivornoPiazza Cavour” at night, with the statue of the Count of Cavour. Underneath the square, in front of the monument, flows the “Fosso Reale”.

See also: Piazza Cavour
External links: Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour (Wikipedia)


  1. Day or night always a beautiful city, but you do specialize in these wonderful night images. The blue always jumps out.

  2. I'm scared from that type of statues. It is too big to be a comfortable sight. By the way at the moment I shot a picture in sync with lightening I think I saw a space ship running on theory of improbability :)

  3. Oh yes! I embiggened it and you did a great job, VP. Colors are grand - just the right time with the blue sky meeting the earth and the lighting is superb, and the photo is tack sharp!


  4. It looks beautiful at night, and the square was empty! When did you take the photo...what time to get such a perfectly still area. Great job!

  5. The plaza looks so romantic at night. And I'm amazed that there are no people!

  6. Beautiful! I love the effect of mixed lights at night!

  7. What a beautiful square and such an imposing gentleman - he really towers over everything - or seems to. Super shot.

  8. What a fabulous monument and the blue so intense even at night! Wonderful piazza!
    Happy weekend dear friends

  9. Didn't you say you weren't any good at night shots? I think you were just fishing for compliments! ;-)

  10. Does the Fosso Reale flow for real, or just on the hideous advertisement? I like the Mediterranean nights!

    Happy theme day!

    Night at Stockholm by pixels

  11. @ Kate - It was few minutes to 10 PM.
    @ ciel - This and few others, are the sparse fruits of a technique not much different from the one I use for shooting flying gulls.
    @ Peter - The Fosso Reale has a minimal flow induced by waters pumped from the local power station to prevent stagnation.

  12. Is there a name for that color blue? This is such a delicious shot. The buildings against that blue sky, looks almost like a film set. And that statue wears the sky as if it had been created just for him.

  13. Very artistic, perfect NIGHT shot! Simply beautiful - love the "Piazza Cavour" by night

  14. Nice capture! I like the color of the sky!

  15. Very well illuminated and framed for the photo. Superb!

    Slinger - Twin Cities

  16. That's a great photo. Beautiful sky too!

  17. Like mine, VP, your night shot has captured so much light that it is hard to credit that it is night. I like this very much,. The lighting of the square is very sympathetic to the statue.

  18. This is a beautiful night shot. So much color for it being almost 10 pm. I love the blue in the sky and the green/turquoise that comes out in the building to the left of the statue.

  19. I really like this picture and I love the color of the sky next to the color of the buildings.

  20. Beautiful night capture . . . you caught enough light in the sky to make it interesting and set off the statue and buildings.

  21. The light is amazing! Wonderful shot!

  22. Nice choice for the theme day. I love the color of the sky.

  23. This is a fantastic night photo with that blue sky.

  24. Wonderful, wonderful. The lit-up buildings really enhance the view of the statue.
    BTW - I owe you a thank you...I couldn't decide what photo to post for TD and I saw yours and selected the Neptune & plaza. THAT's why ours are kind of similar.

  25. PS - the statue leaning forward against the blue sky is so dramatic.

  26. Hey, I know I'm late to comment on the theme, but the sky is gorgeous. I like the picture a lot:)
