Monday, August 17, 2009


Sunset, LivornoSomeone once told me that there is a precise category, used by photo agencies and professionals, for images like this: AFS (another f.....g sunset). After discreetly checking the fact, I settled with myself for one sunset per year. To fill my 2009 quota, last Saturday I left home in the late afternoon. Taking her out for a walk, I was also trying to bring some relief to a dear friend, currently studying herself to death.Closed for vacation sign, LivornoIn the empty streets most of the shops were not only shut but, as this sign says, “closed for vacation”. Notice, in the top left corner, the international symbol for “holiday”.Luigi Orlando statue, clock, Orlando shipyard, LivornoLuigi Orlando seems not amused that the stopped clock behind him is the only surviving part of the historical Orlando Shipyard, founded in 1866 and now being wrecked by developers of luxury condos and usurped by superyacht builders.Viale Italia, lungomare, LivornoMaybe the senator and engineer is only watching the evening traffic on “Viale Italia”, a bit more lively than in town. This is the “Lungomare”, leading to the “Terrazza Mascagni” and to the “Rotonda of Ardenza”.Nazario Sauro marina, LivornoWe have already seen the “Nazario Sauro” marina, where a mural painting contest took place earlier this year. Here, sitting on the rocks by the sea, we watched the cruise ships leaving the port in a neat row, just while the incoming ferries were waiting to enter.Unidentified flying object, LivornoThis time I am sparing you the usual images of boats, to show you something different: Icarus and E.T. came to mind while this thing was flying over the ships, right into the sunset.
Right, the sunset, where everything started: I took some shots, and the first image of this post is my favorite 2009 AFS.


  1. Well done, both the snapping and the policy decision.

    I'm not much for mornings but some people are so I wonder why sunrises aren't nearly as popular with photographers. Any theory?

  2. @ Per - Sun has an awful habit of rising too early...

  3. Wonderful post! Made me laugh before I head out to work! How many days do I get off work every year? Guesses are up!
    Oh, and I love the AFS and the view of the lungomare.

  4. You are funny! AFS or not, I like it. Actually, I like sunset photos, but I have to hide them away sometimes so I don't post too many. Did you ever notice that you can take great care to get interesting pictures of anything else and get few responses, but post one fairly easy to get sunset photo and everyone comments? It doesn't always happen like that, but I found it amusing recently. Still, I do love them! I wouldn't mind seeing more than one per year of Livorno.

    Sunrises? I've thought about that. Some are amazing, especially in the desert. Around Astoria, we usually have cloudy skies in the morning . . . and yes, morning comes way too early! But sometime I will make the effort. It's hard being both night owl and morning bird as you get older. . . .

  5. We could easily extend the categoty to AFF (.....flwer),AFV (....view) AFS (....sea) etc.Maybe they are trivial,but beautiful and hey, show me two the same!
    Yours is faboulous.
    I don't understand why it's international symbol of holiday - strange, isn't it?
    I love the last photo - it's funny:)

  6. @ joo - It isn't, I made it up...

  7. Ha ha. I used to shoot a lot of AFS photos but gave it up a few years ago.

  8. When I first visited Italy the only connection I could make with 'ferie' was 'ferial Mass' which is a day on which there is no saint/feast/miracle/whatever to have a Mass for but they have one anyway. It caused me a lot of confusion at bus stops. Still I like your AFS, the clouds rippling across the sun make it look mysterious like the start of a fantasy novel.

  9. In Norwegian "FERIE" is holiday. :-)
    Interesting and nice photos from you.
    Have a nice week!

  10. This post is too funny! Especially your international symbol for holiday. I live in a very wooded area so I very rarely catch a beautiful sunset or sunrise. So when people do post them, I get jealous. Hope your friend enjoyed the outing and got back to her studies refreshed.

  11. I have so many things to say, my comment's going to end up longer than your post! So I'll just say that I love your photos (especially the jam-packed marina and the AFS), your commentary's so funny (and so's your answer to Per!) and I would love to take a ride in that little glider, into the sunset or elsewhere!

    Hope Trillian enjoyed her little break and can now face her thesis with renewed energy. (At least, I assume the walk was for her.)

  12. i love your photos too, and i think if you like sunsets no mather what professional photographers says. I love sunsets, when i´´m able i capture them, everyday they´re so unique, we shouldn´ miss it.

  13. In my opinion AFS stands for Absolutely Fantastic Sunset. Love this entire series of shots. That last looks almost like a giant dragonfly with a little human in its clutches.

  14. I love this post! Keep your 'AFS's coming, no matter what the F stands for! :-)

  15. The strangest looking mosquito I have ever seen. Hope it didn't bite you.

  16. I really like this series of photos and the story to go with it. It's like you took us all on the walk with you.

  17. Well, I haven't seen enough sunsets nor am I a pro so I still enjoy beautiful sunsets. :-)
    This one is stunning! I also enjoyed the other pictures.
    Outstanding post!

  18. Good grief, VP! How does one respond to all these superb photos?

    And who cares what they say about sunsets...if they're like this beauty you can post one every day!

    I'm sure Trillian is studying hard...but I've never heard of anyone dying from studying... ;-)

    Back to the sunset; it's stunning; unusual; and I love it!

    So tell the pros and agencies to STFU! ;-)

  19. AFS could stand for "Another F**K**G sunrise!" I love sunrises and sunsets and love all your pictures, especially the Sunset!

  20. The first is magnificent, of course!

  21. It is one of the best AFS I've seen! I have to agree with the folks - Paris is my absolute favorite place on Earth. As a younger kid I used to enjoy "exotic" countries. I think after a trip in Dubai - I decided - enough - I am not stepping foot outside the West - realized I am getting old. Sitting in an old cafe in Paris - is about the perfect vacation for me now :) I enjoy virtual traveling - get the views without the inconvenience - in the next life I will explore again :)

  22. This is lovely sunset! Perfect capture! Wonderful colors!

  23. Oh, come on, nothing wrong with sunset pics, it's beautiful!
    God bless you!

  24. I love the concept of multiple kinds of AF...! You made me laugh when I needed it. Thanks.

  25. Ha! No wonder I don't like taking photos of sunset anymore. But your AFS is so pretty! Love the lighthouse (?)

  26. Sunsets, dawns, cloud formations,critters, cute pets, flowers are very popular with photobloggers. People love that crap. But you do it better than most and not too much.

    What is that flying contraption? I think I want one of those.

  27. Ha-ha! My 1st thought was - that's a really good sunset photo. (I was just explaining to a friend that one cannot post a lot of sunsets - so I know the AFS theory.) Bravo on yours.
    I just adore the last shot - you are absolutely right about Icarus & ET.

  28. Sunrises and Sunsets are the gifts of Gods. I would invite the gossipers to enjoy the long night of Finnland, lets see how about AFS.

  29. The sunset photo is stunning :-)

    I also like the one with the boats.
