Friday, August 7, 2009

Effetto Venezia

Effetto Venezia 2009, Livorno“Effetto Venezia” (Venice Effect) has nothing to do with the Venice on the Lagoon, whose canals are crossed by cute gondolas.Effetto Venezia 2009, LivornoOur Venice is only a quarter of Livorno crossed by “fossi”, which could do as canals, and some years ago, in a bout of bad taste, some bright mind even imported a real gondola.Effetto Venezia 2009, LivornoThis kind of festival lasts about a week with concerts, stalls, boat tours at night and dining “al fresco” along the canals.Effetto Venezia 2009, LivornoTourists and many Livornesi like it, but probably you have already guessed that I don't. Too much chaos for too many days, incensed local residents, cars and scooters parked everywhere.Effetto Venezia 2009, LivornoI don't want to spoil all the fun: it is something really different and probably most of you would like it. They even open some churches at night for the occasion.

Search labels: Effetto Venezia


  1. Well, it looks like fun for the visitors, except for the crowds. That would be annoying!

  2. I would not mind it if it were home-grown: but it is an imported idea from another city.

    Festivals like this are always a pain for the residents. Their streets and shops are taken over by people who do not care as much as they do because in a few days they pack up and go home.

    However, I like your images of the reflections in the water ... and the fishing boats tied up ... so some good can come of things where little taste resides.

  3. It looks nice, and i am shore "as a tourist" I would have thought it was special and fun!;-)

  4. I love churches open at night and the little canals look cute. I would like to visit it and be a tourist taking up space but I do sympathise too. Edinburgh's summer festival is three weeks long and the population of the city more than doubles. I am usually glad when the tourists go home!

  5. I hope the tourists are not too rude. And I hope they help your local economy, VP. You may not be crazy about the festival but you certainly managed to take some fine photographs.

  6. The market stalls along the canal must be very fun to see! Nice series of shots, Mr. Livorno! Ciao

  7. I could hear good melody in your pictures.
    Melodies I used to hear in good movies, like "Roman Holiday"...

  8. Oh, wow! I love getting to see where you live in all its different light and aspects. - No, I can't stand crowds either so I wouldn't appreciate all the added hustle and bustle.

  9. I'd get cranky and a little crazy if there were too many people. But I would enjoy trying out all the food stalls and if the churches are open at night, I'd definitely go and visit! Thank you for braving the festival to get us some photos. The evening lights are all gorgeous.

  10. I like festivals and things like this. I think it's good to bring people together. But I also undrestand your frustrations. I'm sure it's hard on residents who find limited parking and loud people in the evenings!

  11. I can understand your frustration - kind of like any big event comes to town and tears up the normal routine...

    I'd probably like it for five minutes; but that would be enough...don't much care for crowds.

    Love your pictures, though.

    What do they open the churches for?

  12. No circus, no carnaval - please try to enjoy them - for all of us who love that stuff - we want more happy Livorno picks - like this gorgeous pink umbrella - perfect pink to take a girl trough a busy day!

  13. @ Jacob - Churches are always closed here outside the times of Mass. They keep open the churches in Venezia at night just to be visited.
    @ ellie - I enjoy them, mostly through my lens, and really like to share them with you all.

  14. I know exactly what you mean! Oeiras is celebrating its 250th anniversary this summer with lots of events; do you believe me if I tell you I have not attended any so far? I really enjoy my city in the regular quiet days... :-)

  15. These night photos are fantastic!

  16. Well, now I know all about the "why" of Venezia. These are lovely night shots.
    I wonder why the churches are all closed though. Elsewhere in Italy I have found most open even outside of mass times and the same goes for France. In the latter case, it would account for the many thefts though.

  17. Awesome night shots! Love them :-)
