Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Pirate, TAN, LivornoWe have already seen that “MSC Sinfonia” is a regular visitor to the port of Livorno. After some misadventures in the Indian Ocean of the “MSC Melody”, run by the same operator, she began to displays a large banner saying: “For security reason do not approach closer than 50 meters”.MSC Sinfonia pirates warningOn the night of 25th April 2009, about 200 miles north of the Seychelles, security forces onboard the “MSC Melody” returned fire after pirates attacked the ship with automatic weapons. “MSC Sinfonia” usually stays inside the Mediterranean and her ports of call are: Monte Carlo, Valencia, Ibiza, Tunisi, Catania, Naples and Livorno. Nowhere near the Indian Ocean, but better to stay on the safe side.

See also: Italian cruise ship foils pirates (BBC News)


  1. Interesting post. It is sensible for ship operators to be taking extra security measures in the Indian Ocean. It is astounding that in the 21st Century we have problems with pirates on the high seas.

  2. Pirates seem to pop up everywhere these days. But Monte Carlo should be a safe place, I don't remember seeing any pirates on my visit!

  3. Safety at sea is taking on a whole new meaning these days. Or maybe I should say a whole old meaning. Returning to haunt us, armed with modern devices.

  4. Hard to imagine in this day and age.

  5. Somalia, now Seychelles too? Pirates seem to be spreading…

    I'd rather have the statues and adventure stories than real ones.

  6. Storybook pirates are cute, real pirates are not!

  7. Scary! I like the wooden pirate though. :)

  8. Wow! That's quite a little story. Are there guys with guns patrolling the ship behind the sign?

    I think the ship's owner is smart to err on the side of caution...

  9. I like the statue, but wouldn't be very fast to meet real one!
    Interesting post:)

  10. Are you sure those pirates look like that one? ;-)

  11. Cool pirate picture, and I agree with Hilda and Joo.

  12. Interesting! I like the pirate:)

  13. There's a *pirate* exactly like this one at the junk shop near my house. For a moment there, I thought you'd come to London!!

  14. @ Tinsie - That junk shop in Lewisham Way?
    Early for London, maybe in September.
