Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pala Livorno

Pala Livorno, Pala Algida, LivornoThe birth of the “Pala Livorno” was a very troubled one: works started in 1988 but it was inaugurated only in march 2004 as “Pala Algida”. In the 80's Livorno had two quite good basket teams in first division. Now, twenty years later, it has practically none.Pala Livorno, Pala Algida, LivornoBorn as a “Palazzetto dello Sport” (indoor arena for basket) is now used for many different purposes, mainly musical events. It has surface of 10.000 square meters, a capacity of about 8.000 people and parking space for 1.300 vehicles.Pala Livorno, Pala Algida, LivornoThe main characteristic of this building is the roof: a giant dome of 109 meters of diameter, 33 meters high that is completely made of wood.Pala Livorno, Pala Algida, LivornoI took this photo from the round walkway hanging from the dome, just where you can see some of the light in the image above. Offices, storage rooms, a medical center and spaces reserved for police and firefighters are placed in the body of building around the central arena.Pala Livorno, Pala Algida, LivornoA bank of collapsible bleachers used to enhance capacity for special events. Did you guess who let me inside? My friend Stefano.


  1. From the first words I was sure that it must have been your friend Stefano!!!
    Interesting place and really impressive.
    Have a relaxing weekend:)

  2. The ceiling is magnificent! I also like the first photo very much, the contrast between wood, aluminium, concrete and the pillars works really well! Beautiful place!

  3. Wonderful photo of the chairs! Looks like a wall of lips (yes, I've got a twisted mind)!

  4. 16 years under construction! It sounds like a story from some planned economy system:)

    But it seems to be that the result is very good. I like this hall in spite of the fact that it is visible that they started to build it many years ago (I mean the project is not "ultramodern":))

    Best Regards, have a nice weekend VP!

  5. Thank you for the tour, VP. I'm amazed by the dome. And I have to say, those stowed chairs really do look like a wall of lips.

  6. This is an incredible structure: modern, well-designed and enormous! Watching any game there would be an experience!

  7. Made by wood? That's really amazing. While others compete to be the most modern one. Happy to be in Livorno again. I think Stefano deserves an award :). I'll come back for that. Happy weekend.

  8. That is an excellent palasport! Pity your basketball teams aren't doing so well...

  9. Boy, if it wasn't for your friend, Stefano, we'd see a lot less of Livorno! Thanks, Stefano!

    What a beautiful building! The wood in the dome is exquisite...the whole place looks brand new.

    And VP, again your photos are right on target! I feel as if I got to see what this place is really like!

  10. I love that wooden ceiling too!

    I'd rather attend musical events than basketball games anytime.

  11. @ m_m - You probably don't know how much Livorno is still a planned economy system.

  12. It is a great building It is sad when public money is used to build buildings for sports teams, but the teams are not very good and the public does not come the buildings sufficiently to justify their expense. At least it is a multi-purpose facility.

  13. The structure is just gorgeous! Does the space get used for other events?
