Saturday, May 23, 2009

Istituto “Pietro Mascagni”

Old organ, Istituto Pietro Mascagni, LivornoThe “Pietro Mascagni” musical school was created in 1953 as a public school devoted to prepare new players for the Orchestra Labronica.Concert hall, Istituto Pietro Mascagni, LivornoIn 1978 the Institute received the full title of Academy of Music. Since 2003 the Institute is hosted in the completely renovated “Gherardesca” compound, a former hospice built in 1861 by the architect Alessandro Gherardesca.
Score and baton fountain,  Istituto Pietro Mascagni, LivornoMy friend Stefano showed me around, so you can see the concert hall (a former chapel) and its “vintage” organ. A pity that the “score and baton” inspired fountain in the patio was not flowing at the moment.


  1. A beautiful place to be taught music. Are the concerts open to the public?

  2. Non ho mai visto la fontana così originale. E' bellissima anche senza dell'acqua :-)

  3. Great place, you can almost feel music in the air. Fountain must be beautiful with water flowing!
    Have a nice weekend:)

  4. I can't play music, that's why I appreciate them who try hard studying it. Same question with Christopher, and yes, I'd like to see the "score and baton" fountain flowing. At weekend maybe they take rest.

  5. What a fitting place to learn music. Maybe I would have given such great surroundings.

  6. What a beautiful facility. I can almost hear the music resounding in those lovely spaces.

  7. Nice place:) It would be great to sit there and listen to music:)

  8. A beautiful place. How are the acoustics there? There doesn't look to be much to absorb some of the sound, though in such a wonderful building, who would mind.

    The fountain looks so appropriate the music school and kind of whimsical too.

  9. I enlarged the first photo to see the details of the artwork and was so surprised that it's trompe l'oeil! So well done! And what is it about chapels and churches that their acoustics are just so wonderful? I love concerts and symphonies in churches.

    I hope you can go back one of these days to take a photo of the fountain when the water is running. The sculpture is so unique and I can't even imagine where the water will be flowing.

  10. This is wonderful! Another building redone and put to good use. The concert hall still looks like a chapel...the fountain sculpture is superb.

    Great post, VP!

  11. Looks like a good place to study and perform.

  12. Thank you for catching my typing mistake at TampaFloridaPhoto. We all know that it is humans who add all the copy and photographs to the blogs. The score and baton fountain are very cool. Your series on "Primavera a Colline" is fun. Great to see your city. It's beautiful.

  13. Love the blue ceiling in the first photo!

  14. Great!
    I love those bright colour,

  15. Looks like the perfect place for a music school. I love the artwork.
