Friday, May 8, 2009

Collision Course

Ovo sodo, Benci Centro, female rowers, gozzetta, LivornoDuring a competition this rowboat literally encountered a problem. With a little help from bystanders they were able to continue, reaching the second place. Boats and crews, one for each “rione” (quarter) of Livorno, are engaged is a series of minor rowing competitions leading to the top of the season: the “Palio Marinaro” taking place every year in July in the waters in front of the Terrazza Mascagni. These female rowers are from my “rione”, Benci Centro, which is nicknamed “Ovo sodo” (Hard boiled egg) for its colours: yellow and white. With its ten oars boat (the real thing) “Ovo sodo” won the “Palio” eight times, dominating the last three years.


  1. Oops!! And instead of helping, you are snapping away - preserving their embarrassing moment for eternity to come ... hehehe

  2. Interesting! Until now, I only knew of the Siena Palio.
    Just goes to show that even with problems, you can still almost win a race!

  3. The girl on the right in the gray sleeveless shirt looks as if she's enjoying this little mishap immensely. It is amazing that they took second in spite of this. They must be quite good. Great shot.

  4. Sounds like a dynasty in the making. Look forward to the competition in July.

  5. Nice shot! I like those colours, they are so cheering:)
    Have a nice weekend!

  6. Glad they got all untangled and even managed second place. I hope they win again just for you! Funny nickname :)

  7. This is so funny. Well maybe not, if you're in that boat. What happened?

    Maybe God felt they had won enough?

  8. I know the feeling of being in the boat that caused the collision. It can be pretty embarrassing:-) Do you have any photos of the race? That could be interesting too.

  9. "Ovo sodo", love it. Good to have people help when your boat goes the wrong way!

  10. I took this photo leaving home last Sunday, I was quite late for the finale of the TAN. There will be many races before the Palio, so I can promise some more photos in the future.

  11. Oops! How funny! I bet they're really glad to see you documented the incident...

  12. You are from the male rione, did you win the race?
