Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Pogoria training ship, LivornoNot exactly your traditional type of sailor in build and dress, this guy is going to climb the ratlines of “Pogoria”.
Pogoria training ship, LivornoAn there he is, after a couple of minutes, on the third yard of the fore-mast.

See also: Pogoria - Signora del Vento


  1. Pogoria? Isn't it a Polish ship?
    Anyway, no matter what country does it come from it's beautiful!!
    I'm not a sailor but have always admired ships

  2. That is so cool! And how beautiful she is. I love those lines. What an adventure it would be to sail on her. You couldn't pay me enough money to climb up there and tend to the rigging and sails, though! What is she used for primarily? Thanks for showing this.

  3. Nevermind my question. I just read your entry re. her bowsprit. Thanks,

  4. She's such a beauty, I'll never tire of ships like her.

  5. Love the shot. You've really captured the essence of sailing here. We have the Pogoria in Monaco sometimes. She's a very fine ship.

  6. Oof. Scary job. But I wouldn't mind giving it a try even just once.

    She looks lovely even with her sails furled (or whatever it's called).

  7. Visto che ti piace il nostro veliero :-))

  8. Never understood how those guys do it.

  9. Terrific photos of a truly splendid vessel. Our sailor friend must be very nimble and of an unsound mind to climb away up there!

  10. You know...I'm always waiting for Captain Jack Sparrow I mean...to see him in these pictures!Great shot! :-)

  11. I think that these sailing ships are the only ones worth looking at. And with these images I could look for hours and dream of a voyage to the end of the world:-)

  12. Nice:) This first photo looks like from the movie about pirates:)

  13. I climbed upon a mast once... but it was just the mizzen on much smaller sailing boat...the crew needed someone "light weight" to fix a piece on top.
    Pogoria isn't exactly my type of sailing boat but I appreciate its general looks, quite impressive...!

  14. Great shots of the yachts, brings back memories. I have been contacted to join the Dione again, on a trip to Antartica, but I can't do that anymore, too many responcibilities...

    Here is the site of the Dione : http://www.charterbrochure.com/dionestar/

    Cheers from Marcel

  15. The ship being docked should make the expedition a bit more doable. Still, not even in my wildest dreams...
