Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sanctuary of Montenero

Sanctuary of St Mary of Grace, Montenero, LivornoThe “Santuario di Santa Maria delle Grazie” (Sanctuary of St Mary of Grace) has been transformed over the centuries from a small oratory in the Middle Ages to a Renaissance church, and finally to a large Basilica, consecrated in 1818. The long nave incorporates altars from the mid-17th century linked to the old trade guilds of Livorno. The altars have some beautiful paintings by Filippo Maria Galletti.
Sanctuary of St Mary of Grace, Montenero, LivornoNoteworthy is the 18th century “Cappella della Vergine” (chapel of the virgin) housing the tabernacle with its sacred image of the “Madonna di Montenero”, a 14th century painting from the Pisan school. Around the Basilica the “Galleria dei Comuni” (gallery of the communes) features the coats of arms of all the communes in Tuscany, and the “Galleria degli ex-voto” (gallery of the votive offerings) constitutes an ample collection of devotional paintings offered by the faithful for graces received.
Sanctuary of St Mary of Grace, Montenero, LivornoThese simple paintings are images of people: fishermen, farmers, shepherds, women and children. You can also admire the work of famous local artists: “Il cavallino” (The pony, 1850) by Giovanni Fattori and “Il motociclista” (The motorcyclist, 1943) by Renato Natali.

See also: Montenero - Villa Azzurra - Funicolare - Sagrato - Famedio - Piazza del Santuario
External links: Sanctuary of Montenero - Filippo Maria Galletti - Ex-voto


  1. Che bello cielo azzurro! ;-)very long, interesting history e che bella piazza (unless of course there is a better word for courtyard... ;-))

  2. The photo is taken from the "piazza", the part with the railing after the steps is the "sagrato" or, as you say in french, le parvis.

  3. Fascinating description and wonderful photos. I especially like the way you framed the first one. The interior must be gorgeous, too.

  4. Nice photos! I like especially the perspective of the first one:)

  5. You can go to church and an art museum at the same time. Very Italian!

  6. Mi piace davvero molto la serie ed in particolare la prima foto in alto.

  7. Beautiful first photo through the archway. The proportions of this school of architecture are always pleasing. I especially liked the personal touch of the paintings..

  8. I like all your photos. I'm so impressed with Italian arts and literature.
