Sunday, February 15, 2009

Piazza Giorgio Caproni

Ceremony, new square, piazza Giorgio CaproniYesterday a new square was dedicated to the poet Giorgio Caproni. He was born in Livorno in 1912 (the same generation of Bertolucci, Bigongiari, Gatto, Luzi, Sereni), where he lived until his family moved to Genoa when he was ten years old. The Ligurian city will become a mythical city in many of his poems. As an elementary school teacher he worked in several small towns until he moved to Rome in 1939. He fought the 2nd World War and was actively involved in the “Resistenza”.Ceremony, new square, piazza Giorgio CaproniHis life lacked great events with the exception of the deaths of his young first love and, in 1950, of his mother. He lived a quiet life with a beloved wife, a son and a daughter, supported by a secure job as teacher.Ceremony, new square, piazza Giorgio CaproniCaproni's poetical production has been constant, without significant gaps, with a brief silence right after the end of the war. He died in Rome in 1990.

External links: Giorgio Caproni (Encyclopedia Britannica) - Giorgio Caproni - Resistenza (Wikipedia)


  1. Beata ignoranza! Non conoscevo proprio Giorgio Caproni.
    A te piace la piazza? Non mi convince troppo quella aiuola asimmetrica nè quella pavimentazione rosa...
    Belle invece le linee degli alberi spogli.

  2. Non piace molto nemmeno a me, ma è la risistemazione affrettata di una vecchia e trascurata piazzetta.
    La parte più carina, una lunga terrazza con balaustra, non si vede nella foto. Vedo se la metto in seguito. Concordo sugli alberi!

  3. I find it wonderful when cities and countries honor their poets and writers. It is hard to compete with today's multimedia offerings so it's especially great when I find out that writing (and reading) are still honored.

  4. The poster is wonderfully done. The square seems very tranquil.
    I will look for some of Caproni's poetry. There is much to be said for a tranquil, unremarkable life as a creator of art.
