Monday, January 26, 2009

Three Little Owls

Billboards, newspapers, dailies, LivornoA newspaper billboard is called in italian “civetta”, which is literally little owl, but also means coquette, flirt or tease. So these devices are commonly referred as "civette" because their purpose is to entice the passer-by into buying the actual paper.
La Nazione” (The Nation), a florentine newspaper with a local news desk, is the oldest of the three: its first number made its appearance in 1859. It has a moderate conservative political line.
“Il Telegrafo” (The Telegraph) was born a moderate voice in 1877, switching to a more leftist point of view after the last war.
After several changes of heading, in 1976 became “Il Tirreno” for good. Edited and printed in Livorno it has the largest circulation and is a sort of local newspaper of record, extensively quoted in any conversation.
The “Corriere di Livorno” (Messenger of Livorno) issued its first copy only in September 2007. Its editorial offices are in “Piazza Attias”, just across the street from the above owls, and is co-owned by a local soccer star.

See also: Bad News


  1. Molto bello questo post. E mi piace la foto dei tre giornali che gareggiano tra loro per catturare l'attenzione con la notizia più...spazzatura!
    E' venuta anche a me l'idea di postare di tanto in tanto le civette de Il Piccolo. Talvolta sono veramente inquietanti.

  2. Sometimes it's true when they say "no news is good news"!

  3. I love the Italian language. I think it makes the most beautiful sound.

    I wish I can speak Italian.
