Thursday, January 29, 2009

Neptune and the Nereids

Neptune and the Nereids, fountain, LivornoRome, Naples, Bologna, Florence: all of them have a Fountain of Neptune, so a wealthy and enterprising Livornese decided that we had to have one too. Built in 1934, the fountain was then placed in a square now named after Giuseppe Emanuele Modigliani, the serious brother of the bohémien painter Amedeo.
Neptune and the Nereids, fountain, LivornoThe King of the Sea brandishes his trident, a quartet of lactating Nereids keeps him company along with a posse of various kinds of fishes, all of them happily sprinkling water around.


  1. Beautiful fountain. Everything looks so beautiful in Italy.

  2. Apprezzo la scelta di posizionare il nettuno tra quelle linee verticali del palazzo nello sfondo. Le sei finestre poi lo incorniciano perfettamente. Bella.

  3. Wow, the second photo is definitely interesting. :-)
