Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mascagni vs Puccini

Plaque on the site of Pietro Mascagni birthplace, LivornoIn a previous post I wrote about the now demolished birthplace of Pietro Mascagni. This is the original plaque, now placed on the the new building.
Sorry, but the translation cannot be literal because the text is a bit too bombastic:

On December 7th 1863 Pietro Mascagni was born in this house. He gave to the world inspired and original melodies and with his immortal operas made Livorno, as already are Pesaro, Catania and Busseto, world famous.
Plaque restored care of the local council - March 1980

The city quoted are Pesaro for Gioacchino Rossini, Catania for Vincenzo Bellini and Busseto for Giuseppe Verdi. Carefully omitted is Lucca for Giacomo Puccini: “things” between Tuscans?


  1. Un'imperdonabile omissione !! come dimenticare La Tosca???

    (P.s.: l'orizzonte si sistema sempre con Photoshop ;)

  2. Io riesco sempre a sbagliare di mezzo grado!
