Monday, November 9, 2009

Short Walk

The bad weather cut short my Sunday afternoon walk, but I caught these telling signs of a strong wind.From the windows of my mom's, I shot this interesting way of parking, not unusual around here.If anyone wonders why the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall doesn't cut any ice in Livorno...

More Walks


stromsjo said...

The last part is interesting and saddening. From a brief visit to Pisa some years back I recall seeing the hammer and sickle of the Soviet flag sprayed onto several walls.

Ilse said...

Amazing! Stalin graffiti. Now this is something one would NEVER see in Boston! I love Europe. SO eclectic. Political diversity.

Lowell said...

What interesting photos. And I thought we had a problem with wind today when leaves and pine needles blew into the pool!

At first I thought a cyclist had crashed into the dumpsters...glad it was just the wind.

Parking in Livorno looks a lot like parking in Paris!

The last one I really don't get. I mean, really. Communism is a failed system and Stalin was a horror. Do such people that write this on walls know no history at all?

Sounds like you have a lot of broomsticks there, as we do here! (A broomstick is my designation for a human with the brains of a broomstick).

Anyway, as Jesus said, "The stupid you'll have with you always."

He didn't say that? Well, he should have!

Nori Katayama said...

I like the middle one.
It looks like toys on the table!

James said...

You saw some interesting things on your walk. The parking and even the cars remind me of Paris. I bet the people who lived under Stalin's tyranny didn't admire him so much.

brattcat said...

Going for a stroll with you is always interesting, VP.

Clueless in Boston said...

It's pretty easy to park those small cars. I thought at first they had been blown around by the wind as in the first picture.

Hilda said...

I had the same first reaction as Boston!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

WOW! It must really have been windy.

We saw parking like that in Ljubljana when we were there!!

Leif Hagen said...

Poor, Jacob - I think he should recheck his theology.

That silver Smarte car is so cute, I don't know if you should hug it or drive it?!

tapirgal said...

How did you get our weather? I was in California for a week, but I hear we had lots of rain, wind, and lightning. I'll be interested to see what we get tomorrow :)

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Looking at the pics, I'd say you had an interesting stroll.
No driver would dare park his/her car like that here - people would complain and the driver may well find himself with four flat tyres!

Cars like the little silver one always make me think half of the car is missing. Cut though.
Melbourne Daily

joo said...

Your walk could be short but really interesting - I'm impressed by the last photo especially! Wow, Stalin still alive? Shock.
Have a nice week and hope the weather will change:) (here and there!!!)

Fio said...

A strong wind on the day of anniversary of "Wind of change" :-)
Stalin in Livorno?? OMG, no coment...

Kcalpesh said...

I liked the designs of the two small cars and also wonder if the bike fell due to the wind! Day before there was a really cool breeze blowing in our area but not like a storm! These are nice shots taken during your short walk :-)

- Pixellicious Photos

Gunn said...

Strong documentary shots!
Number 3 is either very old, or the young people/ the wall writer, did not turn up at school..... for the history lessons.

Julie said...

Three such diverse images, VP. And a vibrant range of comments, too.

Thank you for the comment on "Boys on the Avenue". I can just see you perched atop of a low wall, oogling the ladies. You realise, of course, that the girls do exactly the same thing!

Wolynski said...

Love the windswept photo. Being communist is one thing, liking Stalin is quite another - the man poisoned most of his family - what's there to like?

Halcyon said...

That must have been some wind!

B SQUARED said...

Hard to believe people still have those political views.

Frank said...

I am amazed as are others that anyone could graffiti the wall - anywhere on earth - with Stalin's name. Younger generations don't have a memory or even knowledge of those times and his horrific acts against his countrymen.

I do love have people park with Smart cars. Too funny.

Very interesting stroll and post.

Marcel said...

The wind pushing a car on the pavement? Wow....

amatamari© said...

I remember Trieste!

Naturalmente solo per il vento...

cieldequimper said...

What an excellent post! The parking of course could be in Paris and how good of you to remind us that some people actually still believe in communism.

Anonymous said...

WHOA! The wind must have been ferocious!

What do you mean by the fall of Berlin doesn't cut any ice in Livorno? I don't understand.

Tinsie said...

Haha! Excellent diverse selection of photos.

BTW I noticed the parking in Italy - you guys park exactly like the Greeks :-)

Cezar and Léia said...

wow I hope everything is okay now!

Ellie said...

I thought the wind blew those little cars and set them that way :) That is my attempt for a joke. You can see this kind of parking every where in my home Bulgaria. It makes a great photo especially placed after the tumbled trash can.
Stalin graffiti makes me sick - this shouldn't be tolerated - the man killed more people in his camps then the number of people who died in the WWII. Great reportage!

Andreea said...

The parking shot looks very familiar to me :) The Stalin graffiti reminds me of some good Italian friends that I met in school in US. They were communists and very unapologetic about it :)

Unknown said...

Scary winds... and very funny comment regarding the Berlin Wall in Livorno! :-)

Copenhagen said...

I got something worse in my mail box yesterday, but I do not dare to post picture of it.