Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Labronic Cats

Cat, Villa Fabbricotti, LivornoFew months ago I posted a portrait of the “King of the Harbour” and it's time to post some more Labronic (which is another way to say from Livorno) cats. The first one was caught inside “Villa Fabbricotti” and was kind enough to pose for me.Cat, Fortezza Vecchia, LivornoThe second one cheered me, as a figure of speech, just inside the “Fortezza Vecchia” and was still there when I got out: could have been a marble cat for what I saw...Cat, Fish Market, LivornoThe last one was relaxing around an antenna on top of a car parked near the fish market. He wasn't angry at me, I was too far to annoy him, but lazily engaged in a turf war with another unseen feline.
I hope our friend brattcat of Brattleboro enjoyed this post...


Lowell said...

Cats are gods! I love each of these for themselves. Do they belong to someone or are they strays?

James said...

I don't like to see cats or dogs roaming around by themselves because of the dangers. These are very nice looking cats and photographed very well.

gogouci said...

What a lovely cats, I love cats! Great shots!

brattcat said...

Three new feline friends from Livorno. I'm purring with pleasure. No threat of turf wars from this front. Thanks, VP!

Nori Katayama said...

Nice your comments for each cats!

Ellie said...

I like cats - never dull! Cats got my vote over dogs for their independence. They just don't give a dime about people!

Anonymous said...


amatamari© said...


Marcel said...

That's a post for leia!

I have returned to posting foto's on Woerden again. Not because you said it, don't worry, the holiday is really over because I am back at my routine...

I still enjoy your livorno blog a lot! Cheers from Marcel

joo said...

All of them ar superb, but the last one,the lazy fellow relaxing on the car is my favourite. Jus seems to say 'don't dare to disturb.'

Baruch said...

Pretty pussycats

tapirgal said...

These are very pleasant cat pictures and I enjoyed your comments. I was relieved to learn what "Labronic" means. Your vocablulary and use of words in English is so good, I thought you were speaking using some English word I'd never heard of :) Then I'd have to start learning my own language again! But seriously, I think we should never stop learning words. Thanks for a very enjoyable post!

Paula said...

I had a cat like the first one, when I was a little girl. his name was Bijou.

Anzu said...

Lovely Three Cats!
Tks to your shots ♪

Cezar and Léia said...

oh my dear friend! ;)
What a cute post!!!!!
They are adorable and you such a lucky guy to find them!
Thanks a lot for sharing,
purr and love
mommy Léia and Luna

Layrayski said...

Cats! So adorable =) and fluffy and cute and so cute!

B SQUARED said...

They all look well fed and very chic. So very Italian!

Halcyon said...

Are these street cats? They look well taken care of and fat for street kitties. Just don't let them get the birds... except the pigeons which aren't really birds at all, just winged rats.

Sunny said...

These cats are beautiful and quite photogenic.
Your blog is always a pleasure to visit.
Sunny :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photography.

Abraham Lincoln

margaret said...

I like the way the first one's eyes pick up the greenness of the moss... and the second one is soooo irresistably furry. I love seriously furry cats.

Saretta said...

Those Labronic kitties look fat and happy, they are obviously well-fed!

Mo said...

Hmm dont think I'd lke to mess with that last one

PICTURE MAN 47 said...

Vogon ~ I have been away for awhile, but was catching up today. Love the stories and photos. Still waiting on you to visit Coltano. Best Regards,


Tash said...

hello, kitties!
The 1st one is do cute, but the 2nd has real character.
I am intrigued by the "Labronic" origin and connection. Didn't really find much on it but I did dig up this:
Livorno, until recently in English Leghorn. And the origin of the famous Leghorn chicken...Do the ships have a Foghorn Leghorn painted on the side?

Julie said...

Purrrr. such great shots and what I love about cats is that they are so nonchalant about their surroundings and will just hang and do what they want when they want.

Unknown said...

Great set of beautiful cats!

Stefan Jansson said...

Some cool cats here. The black cat looks just like the neighbours cat who has moved in with me!

VP said...

@ Tash - You are right: I suddenly made up a "Labronic" cutting it from "Labronico", a common and accepted, if a bit emphatic, way to say "Livornese".
Our city library is "Labronica" not "Livornese", and we'll use the same term for a school of painting or a literary group. Or cats...

Fio said...


Andreea said...

Seems like stray cats are the feature of many Italian cities. I've seen many in Rome. Photographed them among the ruins :) The Roman Forum and the Colosseum seemed to be favorite places to hang out for the Roman cats. The second one looks mysterious or maybe too lazy to move.

betty-NZ said...

Very cool photos!