Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wind Force

Windmill toy, balcony, LivornoLast week on a balcony in “Via Grande”: it looks like a butterfly of sorts, but it has rotating petals around its “head”.Windmill toys, market, Sant'Antonino Fair, LivornoIn our post Fair Wares about Sant'Antonino Fair, writing of windmill toys, we announced the existence of a “wheeled cow speeding in the breeze”, which is now time to show you.


stromsjo said...

An appropriate tribute to wheeled cows near and far. A touch of Fair-ness, no doubt.

joo said...

They are cute, aren't the? I love this funny cow the most:)

Gunn said...

Yes, they are cute,!:-)
And I know someone who would be happy to get the PINK one.
Thanks for sharing!

Stefan Jansson said...

Wow. I had no idea about the existence of the wheeled cows. And now I do. Thanks!

brattcat said...

What a light and breezy post.

B SQUARED said...

I think they offer a bit of whimsey to a yard, especially during the summer months.

Hilda said...

There he is! LOL, I like him, especially that happy, silly grin on his face!

Saretta said...

But of course, that's the famous flower-headed butterfly!

Lowell said...

I think these are kinda cute. There are several yards in our neighborhood that have similar "windmills."

Anonymous said...

I like very much! Nice colours.

If you could teach a cow to bicycle, could you also get it to cycle around delivering milk?

Tinsie said...

I have one of those on my balcony, it's just a little fan but it's multicoloured and looks very pretty when it's windy :-)

Clueless in Boston said...

I like the cow on the bicycle. It's very colorful and pretty cute.

James said...

The both put a smile on my face.
Very cute.

henny said...

Animated cows always make me laugh. No wonder I collect their mugs.
Are they Italian made? Why I have the feeling they're imported from Java? Javanese can make anything out from everything :).

Baruch said...

Similar windmill toys are very popular at grave sites here in NZ