Sunday, June 21, 2009

Serie A

Celebrations for AS Livorno in First Division, Serie ADefeating Brescia 3-0 at the Ardenza Stadium, A.S. Livorno Calcio is back in “Serie A”, the prestigious First Division of Italian football.Celebrations for AS Livorno in First Division, Serie APeople simply went crazy and started filling the streets with cars and motorcycles, waving every flag or banner with the colours of their beloved team.Celebrations for AS Livorno in First Division, Serie AAs always “Piazza della Repubblica” is at the heart of any celebration, with people driving around and around with every type of vehicle, honking without a pause.Celebrations for AS Livorno in First Division, Serie AWe took these photos at 11 PM, not much after the end of the match, and after a couple of hours the feast is still noisily going on.Celebrations for AS Livorno in First Division, Serie AI don't know how many Livornesi will be able to sleep tonight...


Tash said...

Boys will be boys! Sounds like a lot of fun & excitement for Livornesi. Wish the team a great season.

crocrodyl said...

Congrats for Livorno Calcio and whole city! Good luck in the Serie A.
Best regards,

Anonymous said...

Great action shots! Do the supporters have special 'celebration cars' that they take out on such occasions? I'm thinking of the third photo. That car is a bit battered.

brattcat said...

You really convey the elation of Livorno with these. Congratulations. And take a nap today.

cieldequimper said...

Well done! These photos reek Italy! ;-)

Unknown said...

Congrats! The news even filtered up here. Look like it was celebrated in true Italian manner; with a lot of happy people and a lot of noise!

Hilda said...


I'm not much of a sports fan (for any sport), but I wish I could have been there for the late night celebration. Looks awesome!

Lowell said...

Great night certainly captured the excitement of the event! Congrats to the team.

I've never understood the whole "fan" thing, though...

In this country, any player in any city will transfer to another team in another city for a dollar more in pay...

Not much loyalty there so far as I can see....

Still, when the Orlando Magic lost their final game, the streets in Orlando filled up with rabid fans trying to see their favorite players...

Don't get it!

VP said...

Disclaimer: I don't like football and hate too much fuss about everything, sport included. I was there to take some photos of an event, until somebody throw a bottle of beer at me. Then I packed, went home and was very happy when a rainstorm came at 2 AM.

James said...

It reminds me of a song from my teen years called "Wild in the Streets" Nice capture.

joo said...

Cool shots! I dislike fans but your photos are superb:)

tapirgal said...

Well, it does look pretty crazy. I hope everyone had fun, and your photos are great.

stromsjo said...

Same story here whenever someone wins something in football. I also tend to prefer sports with less mayhem included.

Stefan Jansson said...

Takes me back to 1982. I was in Rimini for a few weeks when Italy won the world cup. Boy was there a party. It is a good memory.

Tinsie said...

The Greeks are exactly the same when celebrating sporting success. What great photos! I like the third one from last in particular :-)

henny said...

Congrstulation to A.S. Livorno Calcio, but I'm sorry about that beer. And belated Happy Father's Day to you :).

rob said...

Ma dai, una partita di serie A magari la vai a vedere il prossimo anno...:)